

Barcode 4104420139909

Switzerland (CH)


125.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Kartoffeln 67%, Sonnenblumenöl, Würzmischung 5% (Paprika 35%, Meersalz, Rübenzucker, Tomate, Zwiebel, Apfelfaser, Schwarzer Pfeffer, Piment, Pastinake, Chili, Knoblauch)

Ingredients (English)

Potatoes 67%, sunflower oil, mixed condiments, paprika 35%, sea salt, beet sugar, tomato, onion, apple fiber, black pepper, allspice, parsnip, chilli, garlic

Ingredients (French)

Pommes de terre 67%, huile de tournesol, mélange de condiments, paprika 35%, sel marin, sucre de betterave, tomate, oignon, fibres de pomme, poivre noir, piment de la Jamaique, panais, piment, ail

Ingredients (Italian)

Patate 67%, olio di semi di girasole, condimenti misti, paprica 35%, sale marino, zucchero di barbabietola, pomodoro, cipolla, fibra di mela, pepe nero, pimento, pastinaca, peperoncino, aglio

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 507.0 kCal
Energy 2113.0 kJ
Fat 29.0 g
Carbohydrates 52.0 g
Sugars 1.2 g
Saturated fat 3.7 g
Fiber 6.8 g
Protein 6.0 g
Salt 1.0 g
Jil Reviewed task answer of ALNATURA CHIPS
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