
Migros Hot Pavé

Barcode 7617100207975

Switzerland (CH)


0.23 kg

Ingredients (German)

Rindfleisch, jodiertes Kochsalz, Gewürze, Streuwürze, (enthalt Hefeextrakt), Würzmischung, Traubenzucker, Kartoffelstärke , Rapsöl, Antioxidationsmittel E 301, Aroma

Ingredients (English)

beef, iodized cooking salt, spices, powdered condiment (contains yeast extract), condiment mix, glucose, potato starch, rapeseed oil, antioxidant E 301 aroma

Ingredients (French)

viande de bœuf, sel de cuisine iodé, épices, condiment en poudre (contient extrait de levure), mélange de condiments, glucose, fécule de pomme de terre, huile de colza, antioxydant E 301 arôme

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 181.0 kCal
Energy 760.0 kJ
Fat 11.0 g
Carbohydrates 1.5 g
Sugars 1.0 g
Saturated fat 4.5 g
Fiber 0.5 g
Protein 19.0 g
Salt 1.5 g
Talia Salzmann Reviewed task answer of Migros Hot Pavé
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