
376 points
147 tasks completed · 54 Tasks reviewed

Community answer 174

Creation date Task Type Answer Status Points earned
March 04, 2021 14:13 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "7613312096864"
Accepted 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "7613312096864"

100 g Pack
March 02, 2021 10:49 Product images task
Review the new images of "PanchoVilla - Tortillas"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Review the new images of "PanchoVilla - Tortillas"

March 01, 2021 13:23 Product images task
Review the new images of "PanchoVilla - Tortillas"
Refused 0

Review the new images of "PanchoVilla - Tortillas"

Remarks after review
Please answer with values, not pictures
February 25, 2021 10:14 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "La salière (La baleine)"
Reviewed and accepted 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "La salière (La baleine)"

Image illegible
February 25, 2021 10:11 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "Valisiana - Syrah Du Valais AOC 2015"
Reviewed and accepted 2

Transcribe the nutrient list of "Valisiana - Syrah Du Valais AOC 2015"

No nutrients listed
February 12, 2021 09:05 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "Eclair - Bricelets, l'Original"
Accepted 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "Eclair - Bricelets, l'Original"

Image illegible
February 08, 2021 18:37 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "Chabrior - Forme (chocolat noir)"
Accepted 6

Transcribe the nutrient list of "Chabrior - Forme (chocolat noir)"

Image illegible
February 08, 2021 18:27 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "Lay's Bugles Original"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "Lay's Bugles Original"

125 g Pack
February 08, 2021 18:12 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Maisel's Weisse - Original "
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the name of "Maisel's Weisse - Original "

German: Maisel's Weisse - Original
Remarks after review
Thanks for your contribution!
February 08, 2021 18:02 Product nutrient task
Transcribe the nutrient list of "4007843271044"
Refused 0

Transcribe the nutrient list of "4007843271044"

100 g g
Energy 1929
Energy (Calories / kCal) 459
Fat 18
Saturated fat 7.9
Carbohydrates 67
Sugars 29
Fiber 4.4
Protein 7.2
Salt 0.2
Remarks after review
The portion column is missing (25g)

Products created 2

Farmer - Joghurt (Crunchy Choco) rescan
Created July 14, 2021
Milbona - Bio Joghurt (Heidelbeere) rescan
Created July 14, 2021

Products updated 55

Snickers incomplete
Updated February 18, 2022
Zweifel - Vaya hummus creamy herbs snacks complete
Updated November 22, 2021
/en/products/41753 rescan
Updated November 16, 2021
Rauch bravo : Multivit draft
Updated October 01, 2021
M Classic - Crème dessert (Vanille) complete
Updated September 23, 2021
rick's picks - phat beets rescan
Updated August 20, 2021
Frischback Butterzopf complete
Updated August 16, 2021
Ovomaltine crunchy cream complete
Updated August 10, 2021
Frey - Ostermischung draft
Updated August 10, 2021