Greub Chloé

4076 points
1130 tasks completed · 1192 Tasks reviewed

Community answer 1920

Creation date Task Type Answer Status Points earned
February 22, 2023 15:18 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "Jagdstolz - Kräuterlikör"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "Jagdstolz - Kräuterlikör"

0.7 l Pack
February 22, 2023 15:18 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Jagdstolz - Kräuterlikör"
Reviewed and accepted 1

Transcribe the name of "Jagdstolz - Kräuterlikör"

German: Jagdstolz - Kräuterlikör
January 05, 2022 13:02 Product weight task
Transcribe the weight/volume of "Coop Betty Bossi - Erbse mit Ricotta "
Accepted 1

Transcribe the weight/volume of "Coop Betty Bossi - Erbse mit Ricotta "

Image missing
October 17, 2021 13:26 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Uncle Ben's - Express, Riz aux petits légumes "
Accepted 3

Transcribe the name of "Uncle Ben's - Express, Riz aux petits légumes "

French: Uncle Ben's Express - Express, Riz aux petits légumes
Italian: Uncle Ben's Express - Express, risi bisi
October 17, 2021 13:25 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "8435063804432"
Accepted 3

Transcribe the name of "8435063804432"

Spanish: King Regal - Taco relleno, pica fresa
October 17, 2021 13:25 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Coop Qualité & Prix - High Protein vanille drink "
Accepted 3
French: Coop Qualité & Prix - High Protein vanille drink
Italian: Coop Qualité & Prix - High Protein vaniglia drink
English: Coop Qualité & Prix - High Protein vanilla drink
October 17, 2021 13:24 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "3375610000359"
Accepted 3

Transcribe the name of "3375610000359"

Image missing
October 17, 2021 13:24 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Migros - Mascarpone Doppelrahm-Frischkäse"
Accepted 3

Transcribe the name of "Migros - Mascarpone Doppelrahm-Frischkäse"

German: Migros - Mascarpone Doppelrahm-Frischkäse
October 17, 2021 13:23 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Sidroga - Schlaf- und Nerventee N"
Accepted 3

Transcribe the name of "Sidroga - Schlaf- und Nerventee N"

German: Sidroga - Schlaf- und Nerventee N
October 17, 2021 13:22 Product name task
Transcribe the name of "Nestlé - Hirz, High protein drink (choco peanut)"
Accepted 3
English: Nestlé Hirz - High protein drink (choco peanut)

Products created 1'778

Karma - Bio Nature Tofu complete
Created September 16, 2021
Hilcona - Ravioli, ricotta di Bufala e Spinaci rescan
Created September 14, 2021
Raimond Frères - Weisser Thon in Sonnenblumenöl complete
Created September 14, 2021
Demeter - Voelkel Fairer Eistee (Pfirsich Zitrone) complete
Created September 14, 2021
Niederegger Lübeck - Pralines with dark chocolate complete
Created September 14, 2021
Valflora - Milch complete
Created September 14, 2021
Coop Karma - Bio Oat complete
Created September 14, 2021

Products updated 9'939

Barilla - Collezione Castellane Parmigiane complete
Updated July 06, 2020
Migros bio - Bio vollrahm complete
Updated July 06, 2020
Le Gruyère aop surchoix rescan
Updated July 06, 2020
Würzbrunnen Bergkäse rescan
Updated July 06, 2020
Tilsiter switzerland doux rescan
Updated July 06, 2020
Coop Fine food - Panna Cotta mit Himbeer-Coulis complete
Updated July 06, 2020
Migros Bio - Aprikosen Konfitüre extra complete
Updated July 06, 2020
Salt Selection - Bolivianisches Rosensalz complete
Updated July 06, 2020