

Barcode 40111216

Switzerland (CH)


57.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Zucker, Kokosraspel (21%), Glukosesirup, Kakaobutter, Kakaomasse, MAGERMILCHPULVER, Emulgatoren (SOJALECITHIN, E471), MILCHZUCKER,Butterreinfett (aus MILCH), Süßmolkenpulver (aus MILCH), Feuchthaltemittel (Glycerin), Salz, natürlicher Vanilleextrakt. Allergiker-Infos: Siehe hervorgehobene Zutaten

Ingredients (English)

Sugar, grated coconut (21%), glucose syrup, cocoa butter, cocoa mass, skimmed milk powder, emulsifiers (soya lecithin, E471), milk chocolate, concentrated butter (from milk), sweet whey powder (from milk), humectant (glycerine), salt, natural vanilla extract. Allergy Information: See highlighted ingredients

Ingredients (French)

Sucre, noix de coco râpée (21%), sirop de glucose, beurre de cacao, pâte de cacao, lait écrémé en poudre, émulsifiants (lécithine de soja, E471), chocolat au lait, beurre concentré (de lait), lactosérum en poudre (lait), humectant (glycérine), sel, extrait de vanille naturel. Informations sur les allergies: Voir les ingrédients en surbrillance

Ingredients (Italian)

Zucchero, cocco grattugiato (21%), sciroppo di glucosio, burro di cacao, massa di cacao, latte scremato in polvere, emulsionanti (lecitina di soia, E471), cioccolato al latte, burro concentrato (dal latte), siero di latte in polvere dolce (latte), umettante (glicerina), sale, estratto naturale di vaniglia. Informazioni sull'allergia: vedi gli ingredienti evidenziati

Nutritional values
100 g 28.0 g
Fat 26.0 g 7.28 g
Carbohydrates 58.5 g 16.38 g
Saturated fat 21.4 g 5.99 g
Sugars 47.9 g 13.41 g
Protein 3.8 g 1.06 g
Salt 0.26 g 0.07 g
Greub Chloé Reviewed images of Bounty
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