
M Budget Poultry Roast Sausage

Barcode 7617027959308

Switzerland (CH)


400.0 g

Ingredients (German)

Pouletfleisch 40% (*Schweiz, *Brasilien), Poulethaut (*Schweiz), MagerMILCH, Wasser, Pouletfett, Kochsalz, Gewürze (enthält Geschmacksverstärker: Mononatriumglutamat), Traubenzucker, Glucosesirup, Stabilisatoren: E331, E450 und E451, essbare Hülle aus Rinderkollagen.

Ingredients (English)

40% chicken meat (* Switzerland, * Brazil), chicken skin (* Swiss), skim milk, water, chicken fat, cooking salt, spices (contains flavor enhancer: monosodium glutamate), glucose, glucose syrup , stabilizers: E331, E450 and E451, edible shell of beef collagen.

Ingredients (French)

viande de poulet 40% (*Suisse, *Brésil), peau de poulet (*Suisse), LAIT écrémé, eau, graisse de poulet, sel de cuisine, épices (contient exhausteur de goût: glutamate monosodique), glucose, sirop de glucose, stabilisants: E331, E450 et E451, enveloppe comestible en collagène de boeuf.

Ingredients (Italian)

40% di carne di pollo (* Svizzera, * Brasile), pelle di pollo (* Svizzera), latte scremato, acqua, grasso di pollo, sale da cucina, spezie (contiene esaltatore di sapidità: glutammato monosodico), glucosio, sciroppo di glucosio , stabilizzatori: E331, E450 ed E451, guscio commestibile di collagene di manzo.

Nutritional values
100 g
Energy (Calories / kCal) 220.0 kCal
Energy 910.0 kJ
Fat 18.0 g
Saturated fat 6.0 g
Carbohydrates 1.5 g
Sugars 1.0 g
Fiber 0.5 g
Protein 13.0 g
Salt 2.0 g
Jil Reviewed task answer of M Budget Poultry Roast Sausage
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